
Bongkasa Village is located in the Sub-District of Abiansemal, Badung Regency. The location can be reached for 1 hour or about 32km from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Bongkasa Pertiwi Village, a bumpy plateau area about 230 meters above the sea level, is located 8 km from the capital of Sub- District of Abiansemal, 20 km from the capital city of regency.

There are two sub villages (banjar) we will meet. The first one is banjar Tegal Kuning which has rafting attraction on Ayung River. In addition to rafting, we can enjoy massage and spa. The second Banjar we will encounter is Banjar Karang Dalem 2 with silver handicraft as the mainstay. Third, Banjar Karang Dalem 1 has a panoramic view of the most numerous rice terraces of subak. The distance between the houses is very far as they are interspersed by the rice field. If you want to stay Banjar Karang Dalem 1 is the right choice. We can stay directly at the house of the residents, the people here are very friendly.


Desa Bongkasa terletak di Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung. Lokasi dapat ditempuh selama 1 jam atau sekitar 32 km dari Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai.

Desa Bongkasa Pertiwi, daerah dataran tinggi bergelombang sekitar 230 meter di atas permukaan laut, terletak 8 km dari ibukota Kecamatan Abiansemal, 20 km dari ibu kota kabupaten.

 Ada dua desa (banjar) yang akan kita temui. Yang pertama adalah banjar Tegal Kuning yang memiliki arung jeram di Sungai Ayung. Selain arung jeram, kita bisa menikmati pijat dan spa. Banjar kedua yang akan kita temui adalah Banjar Karang Dalem 2 dengan kerajinan perak sebagai andalannya. Ketiga, Banjar Karang Dalem 1 memiliki panorama dari hamparan sawah subak yang paling banyak. Jarak antara rumah-rumah sangat jauh karena diselingi oleh sawah. Jika Anda ingin tetap Banjar Karang Dalem 1 adalah pilihan yang tepat. Kami bisa tinggal langsung di rumah warga, orang-orang di sini sangat ramah.


  • Toilet
    Men and Woman
  • Internet Access
    Free Wi-Fi Hotspot
  • Parking Lot
    Car and Motorcycle
  • Store
    Gift Store

  • Hotel
    Rate 3-5 Star
  • Villa
    Rate 3-5
  • Shopping
    Hypermat/Traditional Market
  • Guest House
    Rate 1-3 Star


Map Locations