
Legian Beach is located just next to Kuta Beach. It is situated in Legian Village, Kuta Sub-District, Badung Regency. The distance to the location of this beach is about 18 km or 20 minute from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

If you want enjoy your vacation in Bali, you can make Legian Beach as one of the reference sites in Bali. The location of Legian Beach is adjacent to Kuta Beach, so it has a view that is not much different, it’s just not as busy as Legian beach compared to Kuta Beach compared to Kuta Beach. However this would be suitable for tourists for tourist who want to enjoy the tranquility.

Like most beaches in Bali, Legian Beach also has white sand and famous for its beautiful view of sunset in the afternoon. A lot of foreign tourists sunbathe on the edge of the beach. In addition, the Legian beach also has a roll of good waves, so often held national and world-class surfing competitions internationally.



Pantai Legian terletak tepat di sebelah Pantai Kuta. Terletak di Desa Legian, Kecamatan Kuta, Kabupaten Badung. Jarak ke lokasi pantai ini sekitar 18 km atau 20 menit dari Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai. 

Jika Anda ingin menikmati liburan Anda di Bali, Anda dapat menjadikan Pantai Legian sebagai salah satu situs referensi di Bali. Lokasi Pantai Legian bersebelahan dengan Pantai Kuta, sehingga memiliki pemandangan yang tidak jauh berbeda, hanya tidak seramai pantai Legian dibandingkan dengan Pantai Kuta dibandingkan dengan Pantai Kuta. Namun ini akan cocok bagi wisatawan untuk wisatawan yang ingin menikmati ketenangan. 

Seperti kebanyakan pantai di Bali, Pantai Legian juga memiliki pasir putih dan terkenal dengan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang indah di sore hari. Banyak wisatawan asing berjemur di tepi pantai. Selain itu, pantai Legian juga memiliki gulungan ombak yang bagus, sehingga sering diadakan kompetisi selancar nasional dan kelas dunia secara internasional.


  • Toilet
    Men and Woman
  • Parking Lot
    Car and Motorcycle
  • Store
    Gift Store

  • Entertainment
    Beach Club
  • Hotel
    Rate 3-5 Star
  • Villa
    Rate 3-5
  • Shopping
    Hypermat/Traditional Market
  • Guest House
    Rate 1-3 Star


Map Locations